Urban sprawl measurement with use of VMT pattern: A longitudinal method in case of Famagusta

The sprawl as a result of rapid population growth appears when the city expands unplanned in the form of low-density development. The urban sprawl increase auto-dependency and Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) because sprawl is a single-use and low-density development. Therefore, measuring urban sprawl is vital, since planners get the benefit of this measurement to curb future unplanned developments. The current study aims to measure sprawl with the VMT pattern. Accordingly, the non-traffic method provides a practical solution for estimating the annual VMT in the case of Famagusta. Secondly, the build-density calculated using Google™ Earth and Geographical Information System. Finally, the VMT will be coupling with build-density for measuring the urban sprawl. The current study in compared to the similar kinds has the following advantages: a) current method can be performed in case of developing countries; b) this method is independent of traffic odometers, high-resolution census data, and land-use maps; and c) current method able to measuring the urban sprawl together with pattern of accessibility.