I am an architect-urban designer, and researcher in the geoscience field. I will tries to address the environmental dimensions. I tries to applied/investigated my research’s with an environmental focus. Likewise, i wish to integrate my experience in the context of geo-science to ultimately measured the consequences of future developments on Earth. I will never give up, I will trying to enhanced my intellectual capacity to had a significant impacts on research communities.
Personal Skills
- Creative thinking
- Striving for excellence
- Problem-solving attitude
- Intercultural competence
- Ability to work independently
- International working experience
- Ability to adapt to a new environment
- Ability to supply what is needed and what to do
Research Area and Interested
- Urban Sprawl: Measurement, Form of Development, Impacts, and Consequent
- Accessibility: Urban Green Space, Vehicle Mile Travel, Network Analyze, Multiple Centrality Analysis
- Urban Heat Island: Land surface temperature measurement, Microclimate, Simulation, Measurement, Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Urbanization: Smart Growth: Compact city, Mix-use, Brownfields Redevelopment, Infill Development, Construction Waste Development
- Remote Sensing Data: land-cover analysis, Landscape index, Classification
- Geographical Information System: Spatial Analyze, Landscape Ecology
- The Internet of things (IoT): Microprocessor, Open Source, Arduino Computing platform
- Town Planning Department – T.R.N.Cyprus Nov-Dec 2018
Protocol Project in cooperate with Eastern Mediterranean University to preserve of the historical monuments in Famagusta, Lefkoniko, and Trikomo regions - VETLAM II – T.R.N.Cyprus Mar-Apr 2018
Facilitator for National Occupational Standard: Photographer – Level 4
Peer – Reviewed Publication
- Fuladlu, K. (2022). Thermal Response to Land-Use Land-Cover Patterns: An Experimental Study in Famagusta, Cyprus. Clean – Soil, Air, Water, 50(8), 2100284. doi:https://doi.org/10.1002/clen.202100284 (SCIE)
- Fuladlu, K., & Altan, H. (2022). Examination of the Population Density Impact on Major Air Pollutants: A Study in the Case of Germany. In C. Piselli, H. Altan, O. Balaban, & P. Kremer (Eds.), Innovating Strategies and Solutions for Urban Performance and Regeneration (pp. 211-218). Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-98187-7_16 (Scopus)
- Fuladlu, K. (2021). Environmental Parameters for Campus Outdoor Space: A Microclimate Analysis of the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Campus. Journal of Green Building, 16(3), 217-236. doi:https://doi.org/10.3992/jgb.16.3.217 (AHCI)
- Fuladlu, K., & Altan, H. (2021). Examining land surface temperature and relations with the major air pollutants: A remote sensing research in case of Tehran. Urban Climate, 39, 100958. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.uclim.2021.100958 (SSCI)
- Fuladlu, K., Riza, M., & İlkan, M. (2021). Monitoring Urban Sprawl Using Time-Series Data: Famagusta Region of Northern Cyprus. SAGE Open, 11(2), 21582440211007465. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440211007465 (SSCI)
- Fuladlu, K. (2020). Urban Sprawl Measurement with Use of VMT Pattern: A Longitudinal Method in Case of Famagusta. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 7(5), 12-19. doi:https://doi.org/10.21833/ijaas.2020.05.003 (ESCI)
- Fuladlu, K. (2019). Urban Sprawl Negative Impact: Enkomi Return Phase. Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs, 3(1), 44-51. doi:https://doi.org/10.25034/ijcua.2018.4709
Conference / Proceeding
- Fuladlu, K., Riza, M., & İlkan, M. (2018a). The Effect of Rapid Urbanization On the Physical Modification of Urban Area. Paper presented at the The 5th International Conference on Architecture and Built Environment with AWARDs S.ARCH 22 – 24 May 2018, Venice, Italy.
- Fuladlu, K., Riza, M., & İlkan, M. (2018b). Impact of Urban Sprawl: The Case of the Famagusta, Cyprus. Paper presented at the 1st Regional Conference: Cyprus Network of Urban Morphology CyNUM 16 -18 May 2018, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Journal Reviewer
- Energy (Web of Science)
- Environmental Research Letters (Web of Science)
- Environment, Development and Sustainability (Web of Science)
- GeoJournal (Web of Science)
- International Journal of Architectural Computing (Web of Science)
- International Journal of Remote Sensing (Web of Science)
- Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science (Web of Science)
- Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs
- Journal of Asian and African Studies (Web of Science)
- SAGE Open (Web of Science)
- Frontiers in Energy Research (Web of Science)
- Urban Climate (Web of Science)
Researcher ID
- Web of Science Researcher ID: M-7145-2015
- Scopus ID: 57222964565
- Orcid ID: orcid.org/0000-0001-9988-742X
- Yöksis ID: 257555
- Tübitak ID: TBTK-0098-1254